Monday, August 8, 2011

Skagit Pilgrimage Update

Our group of Pilgrims from St. Thomas has made it up to the Skagit Valley and we are settled at our campground. Thank God for safe travels! We left immediately following Mass on the Grass and arrived in Mt. Vernon around 3pm. After pitching our tents and organizing our supplies, we left for la Iglesia de la Resurreccion for Misa (Eucharist) and a dinner with the congregation. The Holy Eucharist service is the same as what we celebrate at St. Thomas – except it was celebrated entirely in Spanish. This was a great experience for the Pilgrims because we are able to see that there are no barriers to God – not language, not culture, not geography. Our dinner with the people of Resurreccion was a lot of fun! We were able to play with some of the kids from the congregation and we look forward to spending more time with these kids throughout the week during Bible Camp.

On the schedule for tomorrow is a tour of the farm country in the Skagit Valley, visiting several migrant camps and farm working housing projects, working in the fields with some of the people from Resurreccion, and putting on a Bible Camp for the kids of the farm workers.

The response from the St. Thomas community to our request for diapers and school supplies for Resurreccion was overwhelming! We brought with us somewhere in the neighborhood of 1000 diapers, several hundred baby wipes, and six backpacks all stuffed with school supplies. Thank your for your support, not only of the Pilgrims, but the people we are serving this week! We also brought about 100 kids books to leave with the kids we meet during Bible Camp – we hope they will treasure these books as their own, long after we leave.

We ask for your continued prayers – for health, for unity in our group, for the Holy Spirit’s leading in our interactions and activities, and for the love of God to be made known to and through us.

Keep checking back throughout the week for more updates on our Pilgrimage!

The pilgrims liked the books we brought for Bible Camp - here they are looking at "Where's Waldo?"

The sun was out when we arrived to set up our campsite!

1 comment:

  1. Hi, team! You've been in my thoughts and prayers a lot this week. I miss you all so much. I start orientation at seminary today, and I hope you'll keep me in your prayers too.

    Keep up the good work!


