Thursday, July 19, 2012

Skagit Mission Trip - Day 4

Wow!  Our trip has been amazing.  We had a very full day today of work in the morning – same 4am wake up call for half the group – VBS after lunch, a tour of the Skagit Valley and a migrant farmworker camp, and time with some of the Resurreccion community this evening.  We closed our trip the same way we began; by sharing a meal with our hosts.  But instead of being at the church, we hosted them at our campsite for dinner.  It was a time of fellowship, conversation, and recognizing the richness of the Body of Christ.  Although we have given a lot of ourselves and are exhausted from the work we have done, we are leaving with more than we came with in our hearts.  We truly have been blessed by the community we served with and look forward to continuing partnership with our brothers and sisters in Christ.

We are packing up and heading home in the morning, but are bringing the memories and experiences of this place home with us.  Check back in a few days for more pictures and a full update about our trip.  (Sorry about the lack of pictures in this post.  It was a such a great day that we took over 900 pictures and haven't had a chance to get them off cameras yet!)

1 comment:

  1. To Brian & Kate

    Thank you for your inspired and faith driven leadership this week. I feel changed, transformed, and energized!! We truly had a positive impact on our Skagit Valley neighbors and friends...

    To the youth: Thank you for your compassion, friendliness, and faith in your leaders. You are destined for great things..

    To the parents: You should be extremely proud. What a great group of well mannered and thoughtful young people.

    To my "partners" (Claire, Daphne, and Missy): I am blessed to have met you. You are an inspiration to me.

    To those parents & adults thinking of getting involved next year...Do it! You will never regret it (the key is a bringing a good air mattress & bringing plenty of Aleve :))

