Sunday, April 3, 2011

Sunday, April 3: The Fourth Sunday in Lent

One thing I do know, that though I was blind, now I see. - John 9:1-41

As a parent, I’ve expended a fair amount of energy anxiously worrying about the health, well-being and “normalcy” of my children. I spent many moments during the nine months I was pregnant with my son worrying about questions like: Will my child be born with a disability or be afflicted with a disease? In this as with many other things in life, I often find myself troubled and anxious over that which is out of my control.

How can God’s glory be revealed in an innocent child’s disability or illness? Jesus rejects the traditional thinking of the time, that illness and disability were the product of sin. Jesus states something that must have been quite surprising to the disciples. And Jesus challenges our own self-absorbed anxiety as well: God’s greatness is revealed in the one who we think is afflicted. God’s greatness is revealed when we think the worst possible thing has happened to us.

I am reminded yet again that if I can step back from trying to control that which is not in my control, then I can glimpse God at work in my life. If I can let go of the anxiety, the fear, and the attempts to control the big and small of my life, God’s works are revealed. Even as God’s glory was revealed in the blind man who was made to see, the scales can fall from my own eyes, that I may see God’s works revealed in the everyday experiences of my life.
—Andrea Sato Borgmann

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