Monday, July 29, 2013

Vacation Bible Camp - Day One

Vacation Bible Camp 2013 is officially underway and what a fun day it was!  This year's theme, Take Me to the Water, is all about the many ways God provides for our needs through water: water sustains life; we become part of God's family, the church, in the waters of baptism; and Jesus gives us "living water" to sustain faith that we can share with others.  After our first opening worship where we sang fun songs about water, the campers went off to their stations for the day: crafts, storytelling, service, music, recreation, and chapel.

The story woven throughout today’s activities is the story of the Israelites who wandered in the desert in need of food and water.  As the children of Israel wandered in the wilderness, stuck between the horror of slavery and the yet-to-be-fulfilled promise of a new home, they became cranky.  It was difficult to see beyond the stressful and difficult circumstances!  There were so many people and just as is true in our world today, they often lacked food and water.  In our story today, the people quarreled and complained against their leader, Moses, and against God.  In fact, they became so upset that Moses was afraid they would harm him!

In the midst of the chaos and grumbling, God told Moses how to provide water from a rock.  God worked through the natural means of a rock, part of creation, to give refreshing, life-giving water.  All of us sometimes wander through our own wilderness, tempted to grumble and complain about not having what we want or need.  Yet even as we do, we know God is present and that we can trust God to be with us, loving us and sustaining us.  The children of Israel were right to be concerned about the lack of water – life is not possible without it!  The VBC children went home with a stone that has been washed and worn and smoothed by the Pacific Ocean to keep in their pockets, a gentle reminder that God provides for us in amazing and wonderful ways.    

Children also learned that water needs to be clean in order for life to continue.  Sadly, more people die from dirty water than from all wars combined.  Over 1,000,000,000 people in the world today lack access to clean drinking water and basic sanitation.  The VBC children began to think about ways we can help provide access to clean water around the world, particularly in Africa.  One of those ways is very simple.

St. Thomas has partnered with a local company: MiiR Water Bottles.  For every water bottle sold, MiiR gives $1 to One Days Wages and the dollar provides one person with clean drinking water for one whole year.  There are two ways that you can be a part of this process.  St. Thomas has a limited quantity of bottles printed with the St. Thomas logo.  They are available for purchase for $20 ($3 off retail) at VBC all week!  You can also purchase any MiiR bottle through this link, which provides water to one person for a year AND supports the childrens' programs at St. Thomas.  Visit MiiR to learn more about the clean water crisis and how MiiR is involved in finding a solution.

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