Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Tuesday, April 15 - Tuesday in Holy Week: Thomas Eggenberger

John 12:20-36. Walk while you have the light, so that the darkness may not overtake you.

In this passage Jesus is talking to some Greeks who “came to worship at the feast”. He gives them many pieces of advice “he that loveth life shall lose it” and ‘”walk a little while the light is with you… lest the darkness come upon you” Jesus is saying that good things must come to an end. The light the world is enjoying is only available for a short time the darkness will come. He asks us to “walk while we have the light” because all the good things we enjoy are only temporary. The things we enjoy in this life our coffee in the morning, the fun evenings we have with our friends, the joy we experience on a daily basis it is all temporary. When “the darkness” of death comes the only thing that we keep is our relationship with God. Therefore we must strive to not only have virtuous relationships in our lives but to more importantly keep our relationship with God good because that is forever. This Lenten season we set aside things from our lives to remember that what is most important is our relationship with God. We must set aside what is only temporary and focus on what remains forever, our relationship with God.
—Thomas Eggenberger

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