Friday, February 20, 2015

Friday, February 20: Colin Radford

John 1:38-39. [The disciples said], “Rabbi, where are you staying?” He said to them, “Come and see.”

Humpback whales are back, giving birth out front. Lent evokes thanks for their protection and for the loving sacrifices of missionaries who shared the shores of Pacific islands where the whaling crews celebrated the harvest of the ancestors of these whales. The church I attend on Maui is in the ruins of one built by one of Hawaii’s earliest homegrown protestant ministers, David Malu. It is an open air sanctuary shaded by old kiawe trees, a great place to give thanks and praise.

JESUS CHRIST: Holy Word incarnate, chosen by God, son of a carpenter and a young virgin from Nazareth, Lamb of God yet shepherd of mankind, foretold by generations of prophets, open and accessible friend, and mentor and leader. He was raised to work, fish, build, read, write, and question. He observed the culture and rules of the community within which he lived, yet was recognized by his family as the Son of God not yet ready until introduced by the Baptist. No top-down me-first executive leader, our Lord chose to share a hospitality of mentorship.

In John 1:35-51, Jesus draws to him apostles from a community so hungry for a Messiah of hope and freedom from oppressions that they walk out into the wilderness to hear the passionate and seemingly wild prophecies of “Nature Man” John the Baptist. Would they find a new Moses to deliver them? Instead they found a friend and mentor who first shared only hospitality: “Come and See.” They followed Jesus to where he lived, and they stayed the entire afternoon. And much longer.

How often and how far that hospitality has resonated. How many of our heroes have shared those simple words, “Come and See.”          

                                                                                   —Colin Radford

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