Thursday, March 29, 2012

Thursday, March 29: Greg Murray

Exodus 8:19. “This is the finger of God!” But Pharaoh’s heart was hardened, and he would not listen to them, just as the Lord had said.

Have you ever stubbornly stuck to course of action or a way of thinking about some thing or someone, even though you knew it was wrong? Have you had someone point out the truth and show you the error of your ways and, despite their truthfulness and compassion, you failed to listen and heed there advice? Have you ever failed to let God in, to accept his loving outstretched hand, or to feel his healing touch? I have!

I have behaved like Pharaoh more times than I care to admit. It is so easy to get wrapped in the busyness of our lives, our own self-importance, and to create our own false gods. When I have acted this way and failed to listen to God, it hasn’t always been accompanied by a “plague of frogs,” but it has left me in a dark place -- feeling hurt, empty and alone. It has made it hard for me to be in community, to accept the love of those around me and to grasp Jesus’s constantly outstretched hand.

Thankfully, God continually offers us his love and forgiveness – even to the point of giving up His Son on a cross for us. As we prepare to walk to Golgotha, to feel the nails, to cower before the tomb at Gethsemane, and awake to the resurrected Lord, I pray that God’s Spirit will open each of our hearts to those gentle, loving voices around us and that we will experience God’s faithful love each day!

Greg Murray

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